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Composition I (ENGL 1113 - eCore): How to Find Course Materials by Title

This guide will support students taking TCC's eCore Comp 1 course.

Library Orientation Part 1B: What you need to do is listed below.

What is it? The two videos on this page will show you 1) how to do a title search in the library catalog, which is a quick and easy way to find any known article, book, or video and determine if we have it on our collection; and 2) how to troubleshoot and overcome challenges that come up when the databases don't link properly or otherwise don't perform exactly how they should.  (A known source is one that you know either by title or author, or ideally, both.

Why is it important?  Many of the assigned texts for your class are available from the library, and your professor would like you to be able to find them. The videos on this page will show you the best way to do that, as well as ways you can troubleshoot if necessary; navigating a library catalog or database is a useful skill that will make finding information (whether for school or life) easier and less stressful.

How long will it take? Watching the two videos will take about eight minutes. 

Video 1.4: Finding Known Articles (3:58)

Although this video focuses on finding specific articles when you know the title, the same strategy can be used for books and videos as well.  For example, your professor may have assigned library books or videos that you need to locate. Using the title search strategy shown in the video below will bring you to the item record in our catalog, which may include a link directly to the book (if it's an ebook) or video (if it's in our Films on Demand or other streaming video database).  

Video 1.5: Troubleshooting Tips (3:53)

The thing about technology is that it's great when it works, but can be incredibly frustrating when there are glitches or other system problems. The video below will show some common roadblocks to accessing database content and strategies for overcoming them. 

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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