315 W. College, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Offers financial assistance to Broken Arrow and Coweta residents. Must have a cut-off or eviction notice. Each request is reviewed and amounts vary upon request. Can only receive aid once per year.
Appointments are required, fill out the assistance request on the website.
All adults in the home will need to provide copies of a legal ID, proof of address, and proof of income. Children will need their birth certificate or immunization record.
17675 S. Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464
The program’s primary focus is on keeping families safe and in secure housing. Assistance is always made to the landlord or mortgage facility and in some cases utility companies. This assistance is a one-time payment to the vendor and payment is based on the family’s need and their ability to remain self-sufficient. The family’s income cannot exceed the current HUD income guidelines and the family must have sufficient income to maintain their housing.
1616 N. Gilcrease Museum Rd. Tulsa, OK 74127
Offers an Apartment Shelter Program that provides shelter, transportation, and food for up to 120 days while a case manager and the family work for permanent solutions.
6235 E 13th St, Tulsa, OK 74112
Offers a Homebuyer program to help eligible families build or buy a home, as well as a down payment assistance program.
4823 S. Sheridan Rd. Suite 309
Tulsa, OK 74145
The Khan Ohana Foundation provides food and hygiene essentials, emergency rental or utility assistance, and scholarships to students. Apply for assistance on their website.
1607 N. Hartford Ave. Tulsa, OK 74106
Provides women with children with a fully furnished apartment and a 1 year curriculum focused on financial literacy, workplace efficiency, and life skills.
505 E 36th St N, Tulsa, OK 74106
(918) 425-5575
A basic program that provides home ownership for low income families. and home repairs for the elderly or disabled that own their own home.
17846 South Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464
Transitional Housing services are available to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. Services include: Housing rental assistance, Utility expenses, Emergency hotel expenses, Emergency Food expenses, Relocation expenses, & Transportation for relocation expenses.
109 N Birch St, Owasso, OK. 74055
(918) 272-4969
OCR works with families residing within the Owasso, Collinsville and Sperry school districts. Families must have household income at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level; have a source of income or is a full-time student. Income qualifications also include being approved for SNAP, Social Security or Disability benefits (letters of certification are required).
Emergency Rent Assistance – once every 12 months. Clients must provide proof of residency, photo ID and lease. Payments are sent to the leasing agent or landlord.
1207 S. Lewis Ste. C-202. Tulsa, OK 74104
The Tulsa Higher Education Consortium provides services to students facing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. Eligible clients may receive rental assistance, coverage of some costs for transportation, education, and move in costs, and more. Application form is available online.
Serving all of Tulsa County. If you have received a late rent notice, Restore Hope is accepting applications. Call 918-922-8282 to determine eligibility. They also offer the Social Services hub, a weekday in-person resource for people who are being evicted. Get help with document uploads, get connected with free legal aid, mediation, financial empowerment, and more (located at Iron Gate).
Restoring Lives - Liberty House
3314 W. 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74132
Provides transitional housing for homeless and at-risk men seeking supportive housing as they continue their recovery from drugs and/or alcohol, homelessness, or incarceration. Application and fees required.
St. Elizabeth Lodge is a program for single moms and their children who are experiencing a time of transition (eviction, domestic violence, family break-up, etc) and need a safe place to stay. To qualify, applicants should be employed at least 20 hours per week and have custody of their child(ren). Complete the application online.
4901 S. Fulton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135
Offers limited on-site housing for individuals facing homelessness, illness, disability, families in crisis, survivors of domestic violence, immigrants, and women re-entering society from prison. Application is required.
315 W. College, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Offers financial assistance to Broken Arrow and Coweta residents. Must have a cut-off or eviction notice. Each request is reviewed and amounts vary upon request. Can only receive aid once per year.
Appointments are required, fill out the assistance request on the website.
All adults in the home will need to provide copies of a legal ID, proof of address, and proof of income. Children will need their birth certificate or immunization record.
17675 S. Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464
Assists low-income Native American households with home heating, cooling, and crisis intervention assistance. Payment is paid directly to the energy supplier/vendor.
4th and Cincinnati, Tulsa, OK 74120
Call the number above on Monday mornings 8:30am-10am to schedule an appointment for utility assistance.
709 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119
Call them on Monday or Tuesday between 9am - 11:30am to make an appointment. You must provide a copy of the cut-off notice at the appointment. A photo ID and social security card must be presented when applying for assistance.
4823 S. Sheridan Rd. Suite 309
Tulsa, OK 74145
The Khan Ohana Foundation provides food and hygiene essentials, emergency rental or utility assistance, and scholarships to students. Apply for assistance on their website.
5000 Charles Page Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74127
Provides financial assistance with gas and electric bills for those in the immediate service area of 74127 South of Edison. Must have a cutoff notice and bill for the current month. Call to set up an appointment.
17846 South Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464
Transitional Housing services are available to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. Services include: Housing rental assistance, Utility expenses, Emergency hotel expenses, Emergency Food expenses, Relocation expenses, & Transportation for relocation expenses.
109 N Birch St, Owasso, OK. 74055
(918) 272-4969
OCR works with families residing within the Owasso, Collinsville and Sperry school districts. Families must have household income at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level; have a source of income or is a full-time student. Income qualifications also include being approved for SNAP, Social Security or Disability benefits (letters of certification are required).
Emergency Utility Assistance – once every 12 months for each utility. Clients must have a cut-off notice or be within 5 days of cut-off of the utility. Payments are made to the utility company. Due to limited funds, only a portion of bills will be paid.
1439 E. 71st Street. Tulsa, OK 74136
Call 918-884-7667 and leave a message with your name, phone number, and mention utility assistance to make an appointment. Harvest House can contribute up to $50 towards a Cut Off notice, and can often help show how to get the balance paid through help form other agencies.
2400 N Lincoln Boulevard. Oklahoma City, Ok 73105
The Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) provides emergency funding to low-income households throughout the year. Customers apply for services at OKDHSLive.org. Oklahoma Human Services works with utility companies to offset the cost of home energy to low-income households, prevent the shutoff of utility service to those households and restore utility service if service is interrupted. Apply online, or call 405-522-5050 for emergency assistance. Must meet income requirements, and must provide a photo ID, social security numbers, proof of income/residence, and most recent bill.
Provides financial assistance for utility bill payments and deposits (electric, gas and water). Service is generally limited per household/residence to once every two years, but no more than three times in total. Check website and click on Emergency Financial Assistance to apply. **If application is unavailable then program is back-logged and link will be active again when program has availability. Applicants may submit all current month's electric, gas and water bills (please indicated which one is priority), if approved and depending on assistance available may be able to help with more than one bill. Must provide current utility bill in applicant's name, gov issued photo ID, and proof of loss of income. Open Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm, and Friday from 8am-2pm.
102 North Denver, Tulsa OK 74103
A large capacity emergency shelter that can house hundreds of people a night. Daily meals are also prepared. Anyone experiencing homelessness can stay at the shelter.
3124 E. Apache St. Tulsa, OK 74110
Call 918-743-5763 or text SAFE to 207-7777
The mission of Safe Housing is to provide a safe and supportive environment for women, men and children escaping domestic violence and/or sexual assault. They offer emergency shelter and transitional housing.
506 N Cheyenne Ave, Tulsa, OK 74106
(918) 587-1187
Each evening, 365 days a year, they offer chapel services and meals for men, women, and children at the shelter. Overnight shelter is available for men, photo ID required.
At the Refuge Campus: 575 N. 39th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74127
While John 3:16 Mission does not currently have an emergency overnight shelter for women, they do offer the Refresh program every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 2 pm. Provides lunch, snacks, showers, laundry, and a bus pass.
The Spring’s Shelter is a 70-bed facility, which allows domestic violence survivors or trafficking victims and their children to stay safe, away from their abusers. The Spring Shelter is a faith-based facility in Oklahoma that serves survivors of all backgrounds.
218 W. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74119
Provides temporary shelter for individuals, couples, and families experiencing homelessness. Must enroll and progress through their program.
415 W. Archer St. Tulsa, OK 74103
Offers overnight shelter for those 55+, and anyone of any age is welcome during the day. They will help anyone find long and short-term shelter.
311 S. Madison Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120
Offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development. They offer adolescent emergency shelter, health clinic, LGBTQ+ services, and more.