Emergency Infant Services (EIS)1110 S. Denver Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 (Express & Full visits)
525 E. 46th St. N. Tulsa, OK 74126 (Express visits only)
EIS assists families with children 5 years and under and pregnant women by providing basic needs items such as formula, diapers, clothing, wipes, strollers, car seats, toys, books, and more during times of financial crisis up to 8 times
(4 full visits and 4 express visits -diapers, wipes, and formula only) in a calendar year. No appointment needed, no income or residency restrictions but there is an eligibility process.
The Parents, grandparents, fosters, and court appointed guardians are supported through this service. Gather the documents you will need - your photo ID and identification for each child 5 years and under. Birth certificates, vaccine records, hospital footprints, and guardianship documents are all accepted but Social Security cards are not accepted.