This guide and training is for both library staff AND librarians! Revisit this guide any time from the LibAnswers Dashboard (you'll learn what that is as we go along).
Here you'll find quick links, tips, and documentation to help you succeed in virtual reference as you are being trained by someone at your campus. If you don't already have an account and have just been sent this link, please email the LibAnswers Admin, Amanda Ross, at Don't forget the 87!
Navigate through each tab at the top and read through the information. At the bottom of each page, including this one, is an embedded quiz/tutorial that you should take to practice your skillz. There are 5 quizzes total. You won't be scored, but the LibAnswers admin and your director will be notified as you complete them. Make sure you see the submission complete screen once you're done with a quiz!
These pages will assist you in providing Virtual Reference. Refer back to them as needed (ie you might want to bookmark these!):
(these open in a new window)
TCC Library Website - The website is good to have bookmarked at your station so that you can search the catalog quickly for patrons needing info on specific items, get links to the databases (be sure to use TCC permalinks from the A-Z "Articles & Databases" list if sharing a specific database link), or other online library resources like Research guides (AKA "LibGuides"). Familiarize yourself with the website and its pages.
FAQ entries - A page of the Library Website called "Chat & FAQ." You can link to an individual FAQ entry during a virtual reference or copy and paste an FAQ answer into your response. Example: If you get a question about tutoring, find an FAQ to link to about tutoring at TCC. You may want to bookmark this specific page of the Library Website so that you can search for an answer quickly, even for in-person questions!
TCC Library Staff Directory - A page of the Library Website. This is a direct link to our librarian and full-time staff list, so that you can easily identify librarians and staff at various campuses. You should know your co-workers, even if they work at another campus. You can give office contact information from these pages out as well to any patron. Clicking on the name of a librarian will get a direct link to their profile you can also send. Librarian profiles have research consultation and direct chat buttons for that librarian that students might benefit from knowing about in a particular virtual reference interaction. For example, Amanda Ross is the interlibrary loan librarian. Sending a direct link to her profile could be helpful in answering an ILL question.
Hi, I'm Amanda Ross, your LibAnswers Admin. I'm based at the NE campus and also handle interlibrary loans for the college in the Access Services Office. Back in the day, before I became a librarian, I used to be an aide at Metro! So, I know what's it's like to staff the circulation desk and work chat at the same time. I know how stressful it can be to juggle chat while, for example, the phone is ringing, there's a line for help at the desk, and there's a million other fires you need to put out. I get it. That's also why I was excited when, in 2023, Springshare launched chatbot. Chatbot will help filter out some of the more basic questions, as well has help our patrons ask better questions, so that they get the best answers when the questions do come to us on chat. While it relieves some stress on staff, we still need to be giving the best customer service to our online patrons. These tutorials are designed to help you think about and practice how you would handle interactions for virtual reference.
Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010
email: Library Website Help | MyTCC | © 2025 Tulsa Community College