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Veterinary Technology: Home

Guide to various resources relating to the subject of Veterinary Technology

Veterinary Technology

TCC Library Resources Veterinary Technology

This search will find books, videos, AND articles in the TCC Library and TCC Databases.

Successful search phrases might include:

  • veterinarian AND (surgery OR surgical procedure)
  • veterinary technology AND current events
  • animal surgery AND hazards
  • operating room AND safety
  • pathology AND canine (or feline)
  • veterinarian technology AND roles

A book or eBook can provide detailed background information. Books are a place to check for information that is generally accepted in the field

Search the VetTech Collection in the library and browse titles by these call numbers. 

  • SF94.5-99  Animal nutrition

  • SF191-275 Cattle

  • SF277-360.4 Horses

  • SF421-440.2 Dogs

  • SF441-450 Cats

  • SF780.2-780.7 Veterinary microbiology

  • SF810 Veterinary parasitology

  • SF911-914.4 Veterinary surgery

  • SF915-919.5 Veterinary pharmacology

Textbooks are held in our Reserves Collection (behind the desk).  Reserve materials can be used in the library and are checked out for 2 hours at a time. Ask a staff member for assistance. 

Use the Discovery Search to locate eBooks.  Filter on the left to only include eBooks.  

Academic Search Premier and Academic One File are excellent databases that will yield results for most searches.  For a more in-depth search on Veterinary subjects, try the databases below. Or here is an A-Z list of all databases.


USDA National Agricultural Library SEARCH - provides simple, one-stop access to the AGRICOLA database, PubAg, and the NAL Digital Collections (NALDC) covering 8 million records of agriculture and related disciplines.


About Professional Journals

Read current news about Veterinary Technology to find ideas for topics that would be interesting to research.  The following is a list of titles relevant to the program. To find articles in the journals listed below, paste the title of the journal in the JOURNAL TITLE FINDER

e-Journals available through TCC Databases

Trade Journals

Open Access Journal-found online for free


Articles from peer-reviewed journals reveal cutting-edge research in the health sciences.  A peer-reviewed publication is a journal that has experts in a particular field reviewing articles that are to be published.

If you want to know if a journal is peer-reviewed, use the database called Ulrichsweb.  Look for the icon of the referee's jersey (black and white striped shirt).  If it has this, it is a peer-reviewed article.  Peer-reviewed articles are also called scholarly or "refereed" articles. 

Google Scholar also has articles.  Sometimes they are behind paywalls or do not provide full text.  Search for the title of the article in Discovery Search to see if the TCC library has access.  If not, we can interlibrary loan an article for you.

Veterinary Education in Video - Alexander Street Press

Over 800 streaming videos about veterinary technology and veterinary medicine.

Films on Demand logo

Films on Demand is a curriculum-focused streaming video subscription that has grown to almost 32,000 full-length videos and over 293,000 segments. Films can be viewed in their entirety or by section, making them ideal for presentations. 

Once logged into the database, you can select Health and Medicine from the View by Subject list to see all videos in that category, or you can try a keyword search such as "anatomy" or whatever else your topic may be.  

Here are all of the Health and Medicine Videos from Films on Demand.


Youtube logo


NOTE: YouTube is a classic example of one of the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet, which is the fact that anyone can post videos. As such, the quality and scholarly acceptability of videos varies greatly. There may be useful video clips on YouTube, however, it is worth a look. Before referencing any material from YouTube (or other video sites on the Internet) in a paper or using a clip in a presentation, though, it is highly advisable to check with your instructor concerning the acceptability of the video for the assignment.


  • Study alone - review notes quickly after class and add CAPS, cursive, BOLD, underlining, stars, symbols & different colors to notes
  • Study group - 4-5 people, pick a leader, pick a topic (leader keeps the group on time and on a topic)


  • Lecture notes
  • Lab notes
  • Textbooks


  • A well-lit room with no distractions and everything you need
  • Library


  • Directly after class
  • Designated time


  • Mind Maps
  • Flashcards
  • Acronyms
  • Sentences
  • Visual Images
  • Rhymes - thirty days has Sept, April, June & November
  • Chunking - like a phone number, break it up for easier recall
  • Quick textbook reads - titles, subheadings, charts, graphs, captions, bullet points, lists

More tips:

  • Eliminate negative thoughts
  • Don't study on an empty stomach (or too full)
  • Exercise-if you're sleepy or sluggish-take a brisk walk
  • Ask for help

Reading from paper compared to screens: A systematic review and meta-analysis

West Campus Library Veterinary Technology Area

Reference and Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Liz Binger
West Campus Library

Veterinary Technology or Veterinary Nursing?

The current Veterinary Technician credentials and credentialing systems, which vary from state to state, have led to confusion for the veterinary consumer and within the veterinary profession of the important role our profession plays on the veterinary health care team. There is an initiative to change the title to Veterinary Nursing. Tulsa Community College recognizes the program as Veterinary Technology. 

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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