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Interpersonal Communication (COMM 2103): Resources Outside TCC Library

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How can I say this podcast cover art

How Can I Say This...

Host Beth Buelow "offers tips and advice for interpersonal communications challenges, such as difficult conversations, conflict, giving and receiving feedback, negotiating, and other situations where what you say and how you say it makes all the difference."

communication junkie podcast logo

Communication Junkie

"Ever wonder why misunderstandings are so common? Or why conflict often spins out of control? Curious about the secret to marital bliss? Want to become a more powerful communicator? Using research, humor, and personal storytelling, Professor Steven Fuller shares practical communication skills to improve your interpersonal relationships."

the lost art of communication cover art

The Lost Art of Communication

"A podcast that uses real-life examples and provides practical strategies to identify and interpret the nuances of communication!"


**All podcast descriptions were sourced from**


Matija Medved

"I Married the Wrong Person, and I'm So Glad I Did" by Tish Harrison Warren

To sign up for a FREE NYTimes account through TCC, use this link.

man holding wristBody Language Pseudoscience Is Flourishing on YouTube: In celebrity interviews and homicide cases, video sleuths are searching for the truth—but what if the signals are all wrong?

Signs of a fraying relationship can appear in subtle ways. Betsie Van der Meer via Getty Images

The Conversation: Evidence of an impending breakup may exist in everyday conversation – months before either partner realizes their relationship is tanking

Brainstorming in a group can be challenging – but it can yield unique, innovative results. PeopleImages/iStock via Getty Images

The Conversation: How to brainstorm brilliant ideas in teams – without sliding into ‘groupthink.’

man looking sideways Robert Recker | Getty

MSNBC: People who are ‘incredibly good’ at catching liars ‘on the spot’ do these 5 things, say top psychologists

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