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Sustainability: Sustainability @ TCC

Sustainability at Tulsa Community College

banner image showing images of black students in a classroom, a city growing from the earth, a work desk with computer, phone and coffee, a water faucet, a head with images inside. TCC's community pillar statement is in the center.

We hope this Sustainability Guide will help you better understand the complex nature of sustainability as an overarching concept, and help you to envision your role, too, in helping to assure a sustainable present and future for all. - The TCC Sustainability Committee

TCC Courses with A Sustainability Component

Picture of students in a botany class learning at the community garden

Students at West Campus visit the community garden during their Botany class.

Picture of students helping with the waste audit at Southeast Campus

Students in a sustainability-themed Comp II class help out with a waste audit at the Southeast Campus.

Campus Initiatives

TCC's Caring Campus Initiative 

Caring Campus is based on decades of research documenting that students who feel connected to their college are more likely to complete and succeed in their courses, persist from semester to semester, and achieve their educational goals.

Sustainability and TCC

Community Is Our Middle Name — We build community, inside and out, through collaboration, service, sustainability, and social and financial responsibility.

Local Community and Online Events

Featured Local Event:




Held on the first Thursday of each month.


February 6: Let the Cows Come Home - Dairy As An Environmental Solution? (Click above for more details - opens in a new window)

Want to know more about Sustainable Tulsa? (Link opens in a new window; click on "Get Involved," and scroll down to learn more and see upcoming events.)

1st Thursday! is Sustainable Tulsa’s free monthly open-to-the-public meeting offering presentations from local, regional, and national sustainability leaders. This is a great opportunity to learn about sustainability activities in the Tulsa area and to share with others how your organization is working towards sustainability. Learn more and register here.

Sustainability Defined

What is sustainability? We generally think of sustainability in an environmental context, or sometimes in economic terms. But clean air and water, a livable climate, and a healthy standard of living are not the only endangered elements in our social order that we want to sustain. The broader list includes:

  • Community 
  • Psychological Health
  • Meaningful Work
  • Intellectual Openness
  • Popular Empowerment
  • A Sense of Heritage and History
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Art and Music

These things are often interrelated. Poor economic policy inevitably damages land use, for example, and energy-efficient buildings only go so far in a war zone. Sometimes sustainable goals come into conflict, as when green redevelopment inadvertently jeopardizes historical preservation or catalyzes cultural, racial, or social conflict.

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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