Successful search phrases might include:
The library has Surgical Technology Textbooks for use in the Library, this area is called Course Reserves, see information desk for details.
Resource for Nursing and Allied Health plus biomedicine, dentistry, and consumer health. Very large database.
Offers reliable, comprehensive scholarly coverage of the fields of nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, etc., including journals, video, dissertations, reference books, and more.
A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 18 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals, covering biomedical articles back to 1948. PubMed includes links to full-text articles and other resources.
Provides access to academic journals and other reference content covering all aspects of the nursing profession, and offers current and authoritative content for professionals and nursing students.
It may be helpful to read current news about surgical technology to find ideas for topics that would be interesting to research. Use the links on this page to browse and search for articles in these journals on the publishers' websites. If the full-text is not available for free on the publisher site or the article is outside of the journal's availability, then students, faculty, and staff may request a copy using our interlibrary loan service.
Trade Journal:
This website describes the work of surgical technologists, as well as outlining job outlook and earnings potential.
This page, part of the consumer-focused MedlinePlus service from the National Library of Medicine, has a lot of up-to-date information on a wide range of surgeries. Especially noteworthy are Latest News and the interactive patient tutorials.
From Spartanburg Community College's surgical technology program. Has good basic information, a glossary of terms, and links to certification and association websites.
From MedlinePlus.
National Library of Medicine - PubMedCentral
PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)
The Encyclopedia of Surgery has been written by various experts in the field of surgery and has been written specifically for healthcare students and patients. The Encyclopedia covers 450 surgical procedures and topics such as laser surgery, hysterectomy, endoscopy, cryosurgery, anesthetics, biopsy, angioplasty, medications and postoperative care, and many related subjects. Each entry in the Encyclopedia of Surgery consists of a standardized format that includes the definition, purpose, diagnosis, aftercare, risks, mortality rates, and alternatives.
Surgery Squad educates visitors through an interactive, personal patient education experience. It is a visual experience to understand the complex or unfamiliar concepts of surgical procedures.
Films on Demand is a curriculum-focused streaming video subscription that has grown to almost 32,000 full-length videos and over 293,000 segments. Films can be viewed in their entirety or by section, making them ideal for presentations.
Once logged into the database, you can select Health and Medicine from the View by Subject list to see all videos in that category, or you can try a keyword search such as "anatomy" or whatever else your topic may be.
Here are all of the Health and Medicine Videos from Films on Demand.
You may also be able to find useful videos about a career on free Internet sites such as YouTube. Try a phrase such as operating room procedures or surgical instruments preparation. NOTE: YouTube is a classic example of one of the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet, which is the fact that anyone can post videos. As such, the quality and scholarly acceptability of videos vary greatly. There may be useful video clips on YouTube, however, so it is worth a look. Before referencing any material from YouTube (or other video sites on the Internet) in a paper or using a clip in a presentation, though, it is highly advisable to check with your instructor concerning the acceptability of the video for the assignment.
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