From National Center for Education Statistics. Search by name, city or zip code. Find NCES ID for all institutions. Profile with characteristics, enrollment, and financial snapshots.
A non-profit organization founded in 1990 to serve the media & the public with analysis and information on issues concerning capital punishment. See Student Resource Center to help with research, debate, and links to academic resources on capital punishment. Includes State by State info plus reports on deterrence, lethal injection, costs, clemency, and law review.
From Bureau of Justice Statistics. Sections include Criminal Justice characteristics; Public Opinion; Crime, victims; Arrest, seizures; Courts, prosecution, sentencing; Parole, jails, prisons, death penalty.
online ebook includes 2,300 entries on all aspects of statistics including terms used in computing, mathematics, operational research and probability, as well as biographical information on more than 200 key figures in the field.