Tulsa Community College
Records Management Procedures and Guidelines
Prepared by:
Andy K. Taylor, MLIS
Records Management Coordinator
Tulsa Community College
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of Tulsa Community College’s records management program is to maintain, protect, preserve, retain, and dispose of records in accordance with operational needs, governmental regulations, and fiscal and legal requirements. These guidelines shall serve as a working document that covers the life-cycle of records belonging to Tulsa Community College from inception to disposition. The following records management aspects will be included:
Roles and Responsibilities:
The following individuals are responsible for records management at Tulsa Community College:
Records Management Agency Official: Paula Settoon, Dean of Libraries
Records Management Coordinator: Andy K. Taylor, Librarian
*Please direct any questions regarding records management to Andy Taylor at the number listed below:
Andy K. Taylor, MLIS
Knowledge Management Librarian
Tulsa Community College
Northeast Campus Library
3727 E. Apache
Tulsa, OK 74115
Labeling, Storage, Ownership, and Organization of Records:
It shall be the responsibility of each office or department within Tulsa Community College to properly label and organize the records contained within their area of the organization. The Records Management Coordinator can offer guidance and assistance in this area. Per the State of Oklahoma Records and Archives Commission guidelines:
All individual records series listed in this General Records Disposition Schedule for State Universities and Colleges are original records retained by administrative units within the institution which are responsible for preserving and making them accessible for their entire stipulated retention periods, regardless of format. Each individual state supported institution of higher education shall identify individual original records and the administrative units responsible for maintaining them for their entire stipulated retention periods.
It shall be the responsibility of each department to develop a plan for the storage of their records. If records are set to be destroyed, then the Records Management Coordinator will take charge of the records and have them moved to the Northeast Campus warehouse to await destruction.
Each department at Tulsa Community College shall be responsible for the records they create. All records created by the College fall under the Consolidated General Records Disposition Schedule for the State of Oklahoma. This means that no records relating to the College can be destroyed without the approval of the State Archivist.
**Special Note on the Use of Text and IM for the Transaction of College Business:
Please be advised that any and all messages transmitted through both privately-owned and school-owned devices are subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act and any Freedom of Information Requests received by the College. Any individual that conducts business for the College through text messages and/or instant messages waives any and all expectations of privacy. Additionally, any type of record (including text messages relating to any and all College business) must be held for stipulated retention periods per the General Records Disposition Schedule for the State of Oklahoma.
Support for this statement can be found in the Oklahoma Attorney General Opinions related to Records Management (available online at www.oscn.net ). The opinion states:
E-mails, text messages, and other electronic communications made or received in connection with the transaction of public business, the expenditure of public funds or the administration of public property, are subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act, 51 O.S.2001 & Supp.2008, §§ 24A.1 - 24A.29, and the Records Management Act, 67 O.S.2001, §§ 201 - 215, regardless of whether they are created, received, transmitted, or maintained by government officials on publicly or privately owned equipment and communication devices, unless some provision of law makes them confidential.
Records Organization Guidelines:
For the sake of consistency and efficiency, the following guidelines must be followed:
Retention and Disposition:
The Oklahoma Records and Archives Commission provides a retention and disposition schedule for all records related to the functions of Colleges and Universities. The schedule can be found at:
**IMPORTANT NOTE**: No record created or maintained by Tulsa Community College may be destroyed without approval from both the State Archives and Records Commission and the Records Management Coordinator at Tulsa Community College.
Access and Technology:
Proper storage of electronic records is essential for the successful maintenance of a records management system. This requires an Enterprise Resource Planning system for the storage of electronic records. The system used by Tulsa Community College is known as Banner. The following information can be found on the Tulsa Community College Website:
Definition: The ERP system TCC uses is Banner which was developed by Ellucian for use in higher education. It is a highly integrated web-based system with a common database that is shared by everyone who uses Banner.
According to the Tulsa Community College Information Technology Website, Banner is a repository for information, records, and documents pertaining to following areas:
For the purpose of records management at TCC, it is imperative that all departments using Banner (or any other secure storage system) to store the information contained in their department in this ERP system. The purpose for this it two-fold:
**Banner access must be granted by a manager, supervisor, or administrator and is based on an employee’s position and role within the college. The request for Banner access can be found through the “Form Finder” under the “Employee” tab in the MyTCC Portal.
Destruction of Records:
The destruction of records from Tulsa Community College is handled through the Waste Management Division by Show, Inc. More information on this company can be found by visiting their website at:
Records are stored in a secure location in the Northeast Campus Warehouse. Several time per year, the Records Management Coordinator at TCC will work with Show, Inc. for them to pick up and destroy records after approval is given by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Additionally, the Oklahoma Archives and Records Commission allows for the destruction of physical records once a digital copy is produced and approval is given. Destruction of physical documents requests can be made up to the current date as long as a digital copy exists. For the deletion of digital records, the College follows the rules set forth in the General Consolidated Records Disposition Schedule for Colleges and Universities.
Process Guidelines:
The following is the process that must be followed BEFORE contacting the Records Management Coordinator for the College:
Once the above actions have been taken, it is then time to contact the Records Management Coordinator for the College. From this point, the following action steps will be taken:
Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010
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