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Find a Book Review: Book Reviews in Library Databases

Before 1985 - Find Book Reviews in JSTOR and New York Times

Poland by James Michener (Book Cover) 





Poland by James Michener (a bestseller in 1983)

To find reviews for books published before 1985, you can also find those book reviews in our online article databases JSTOR , and New York Times below. 


After 1985 - Find Book Reviews in Magazines, Newspapers, and Journals

Photo of New York Times Book Review page
Use the Library's subscription databases listed below to search for full-text book reviews.

See book reviews from New York Times Book Review in Gale Literature Resource Center

Our database, Gale Literature Resource Center, provides full-text access to the New York Times Book Review from January 2001 to present.  You can get to this database at the link Articles & Databases on the Library's home page. Once there, follow the steps listed below:

To find a review about a specific book:

1. Select English & Literature under Subjects & Topics category, then select Literature Resource Center- Gale. Underneath the search box, select "Advanced Search."

2. To find a review, enter the title of the book in the Terms search box, then select "Document Title" in the Field dropdown box.

3. Enter New York Times Book Review in the second box, and change the search field to Publication Title

To get to a particular issue of the New York Times Book Review:

1. From the Library's home page, select the link  Articles & Databases

2. Select the Online Journal Title Finder in the right column, Enter New York Times Book Review in the Title search box

3. Select the title link to access the publication record of New York Times Book Review in Gale's database. 

4. Select the date of the issue you need OR use the SEARCH WITHIN box, on the right side, to search for a specific title, series, or author


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