To be eligible to vote in Oklahoma you must be:
You pay preregister to vote if you are at least 17 and a half years old, however, you cannot vote in an election until after your 18th birthday.
*If you were convicted of a felony, you may register to vote when you have fully served your sentence, or if you have been pardoned. Person judged incapacitated by a court may not register to vote.
Source: Oklahoma State Election Board
To use the online voter registration system you must have a current and valid Oklahoma driver's license or identification card issued by the Department of Public Safety.
Printable form (in English)
To update registration after a move, name change, or change of political party affiliation, you must fill out another voter registration application form, or you can update your voter registration information online.
Complete a Request to Cancel Voter Registration form and send it to the County Election Board in the county where he or she is registered to vote.
Source: Oklahoma State Election Board
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