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Library Information for Faculty: Services

This guide will introduce you to library services and resources available to the students, staff & faculty at Tulsa Community College.

Useful Services

Information Literacy Instruction

You're invited to schedule a library instruction session for any class you teach that will require students to conduct research or another information-seeking activity. We can record instruction videos, or create custom tutorials. Tips to ensure the best and most effective experience for students:

  • Library Instruction is most effective when your students have an authentic need to use library resources.
  • Make arrangements / schedule early in the semester, but time it so that it falls just as they're getting started on the assignment/project.  You might even schedule it so that students have had a few days to try searching on their own.
  • Provide the library with information about what the students will need to do - while most librarians will cover the same basics with every class, they will also want to show the resources that will be most helpful for the specific tasks students will need to complete.

Information about library instruction options can be found by clicking the "Request Library Instruction" link on the library website. 

Interlibrary Loan

Do you need a book that the TCC Library doesn't own?

Can't find the full text for an article in a database?

Check out our Interlibrary Loan page to find out how we can help. 

Suggest a Resource

The TCC Library welcomes recommendations for purchases of books, e-books, videos, periodicals and databases. The forms for suggestions are located on the "Suggest a Resource" link on both the Find a Book and Find Videos pages.  We do our best to accommodate requests as our budget allows. 

Course Reserves

  • All faculty can place books, videos and other materials on "reserve" for use by students in a particular class. 
  • This can include items owned by the library, as well as departmental or personal copies.
  • All reserve items are available to check out for up to two hours of use in the library only. 
  • To place an item owned by the library or a personal item on reserve, simply bring it to the information desk in your campus library and provide the following information: your name, course number and semester to be used. 
  • Adjunct faculty should check with their department office before putting an item owned by the department on reserve. (To avoid duplication.)
  • Give the library staff two or three days to get it properly labeled and processed, and then you can send your students to access the item. 
  • Direct them to the library's information desk to check out an item on reserve. They will need to show a photo ID.
  • It's helpful if they can provide the title of the item along with the course name, but library staff can look it up in our online Course Reserves catalog by course if necessary. 

Electronic resources can also be placed on reserve for students. Librarians can provide assistance in placing links to articles, eBooks or other online resources within Blackboard. Contact your subject liaison or a librarian on your campus for more information.

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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