TCC Library use the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System to shelve the books.
A - General Works
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
C - General History
D - World History
DA -DR Europe
DS - Asia
DT - Africa
DU - Oceania
E - History/America
F - History of States
F691-705 Oklahoma
G - Geography, Anthropology, & Recreation
H - Social Sciences
HB & HC - Economics
HD - Management, Employment
HE - Transportation
HF - Commerce
HG - Finance
HM - Sociology
HN - Social History & Problems
HQ - Family, Marriage, & Women
HV2300-2700 - Deaf Culture
J - Political Science
K - Law
L - Education
M - Music
N - Fine Arts
P - Language and Literature
PA Greek, Roman, and Ancient Literature
PB & PC & PD European literature
PE - English
PF, PG, PH - European literature
PJ - Egyptian, Hebrew, Arabic literature
PK - Indo-Iranian literature
PL - Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PM - American Indian language
PN - Literary criticism, Poetry, Drama, Essays
PQ - French, Italian, Spanish literature
PR - British literature
PS - American Literature
PT - Germanic Literature
Q - Science
QA - Math
QB - Astronomy
QC - Physics
QD - Chemistry
QE - Geology
QH - Biology
QK - Botany
QL- Zoology
QM - Human anatomy
QP - Physiology
QR - Microbiology
R - Medicine
RJ - Pediatrics
RT - Nursing
S - Agriculture
SB - Horticulture
SF - Animal Culture
T - Technology
TA - TK - engineering
TL - Cars, Aviation & Space
TR - Photography
TT - Handicrafts
TX - Cooking
U - Military Science
V - Naval Science
Z - Books, Writing, and Libraries
Click on Books to search the online catalog to determine what books and other materials the Library has on your subject. Search the catalog by subject, keyword, title, or author.
Most books on writing and essays are in the literature section with the shelf call number P through PS in all college/university libraries.
Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010
email: Library Website Help | MyTCC | © 2024 Tulsa Community College