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Generative AI: Home

This guide will direct you to more information about Generative AI. It will be updated and may change according to Tulsa Community College's needs.

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This guide was featured on The Big Blue Podcast!

Generative AI

Generative AI are artificial intelligence applications that generate content such as text or images. Text bots use natural language processing to generate responses to prompts. They are not search engines, but instead pull on a set of training data to create output. ChatGPT, DALL-E, and other Generative AI applications present higher education with new considerations for teaching and learning.

Generated AI art with the prompt "Tulsa Community College": 

Craiyon Tulsa Community College panels

Generative-AI Information for TCC Faculty (February 2023)

Instructional Design Strategies & Considerations

The following is a list of possible strategies faculty might use in the classroom: 

  • Run your own assignment prompts through the AI’s platform as if you were a student to see how it answers/to check outputs. This will help you spot AI content if it is copied over into a student submission.  

  • Design assignments that connect specifically to course content and/or students’ experiences that limit Generative AI’s ability to generate useful responses. Adding self-referential requirements to assignments can befuddle generative AI. 

  • Design assignments with a research component requiring source citations. Many AIs cannot cite sources to the text they generate, or they make up citations that do not exist.  

  • Stress the importance of writing practice to students’ academic success and career goals. Using shortcuts can curb learning and growth. 

  • Discuss academic integrity and the potential consequences of violations at TCC. 

  • Allow AI use with proper citation while emphasizing the necessity of verification. Consider how applications like ChatGPT might enhance student learning in your discipline. Use it as an opportunity to talk about plagiarism. Note that some AI applications require users to be a certain age (e.g, at least 18). 

  • Consider using AI to have students critique output, such as its writing quality or its sources. 

  • Require print sources, lecture notes, and other information that cannot be found on the public internet in the crafting of assignments. 

  • Require alternative submissions, such as audio files, video files, or human outputs such as oral or handwritten answers. 

  • Use flipped classroom instruction to have students complete assignments, or part of assignments, in class, or make parts of an assignment due over time in chunks – like an outline and annotated bibliography due before a final paper.  

  • Highlight the process of writing by requiring students to track changes and save document histories. 

  • Generative-AI applications may present new privacy and legal issues as their use evolves. Use caution when inputting text into such applications. 

Copyright & AI

See the "AI Art & Works" box on this tab of the TCC Library Copyright Guide for more information on copyright/IP issues regarding Generative AI. 


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