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Copyright Guide: TCC Copyright Policy

A focus on copyright issues which may concern TCC faculty and staff -- including fair use, the TEACH Act, public domain and other copyright exceptions and issues. Nothing in this guide is to be construed as legal advice.

This Guide Maintained By:

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Amanda Ross
Northeast Campus, Access Services Office


TCC Copyright Policy


As a provider of intellectual content and as an institution with the technological means of displaying, copyingand transmitting that content, Tulsa Community College expects employees, students, guests, or other users of College facilities and equipment to comply with the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. §§ 101-1332 (2012) and the related acts, which further define the proper use of copyrighted materials, and this copyright policyTCC’s copyright policy and procedures apply to all full-time and part-time members of the College community involved in the copying of material, including students on and off campus and adjunct instructors teaching credit or continuing education courses. The TCC Library, under the Office of the Dean of Libraries and Knowledge Management, is the clearinghouse for copyright information and provides general advice on all aspects of copyright for the TCC community. This office is also responsible for maintaining guidelines for the use of copyrighted material and providing information to help faculty, administration, staff, and students understand their obligations to respect the rights of authors and to have a general knowledge of the US Copyright Law and its Fair Use provisions.  


Please see the TCC Student, Employee, and Faculty handbooks for more information.

Copyright Clearance and DMCA Designated Agent

The Office of the Dean of Libraries and Knowledge Management is the clearinghouse for copyright information and provides general information on all aspects of copyright for the Tulsa Community College community. Paula Settoon, the Dean of Libraries and Knowledge Management, is the college's DMCA Designated Agent. Please see our terms of service for reporting copyright violations. This office is also responsible for maintaining guidelines for the use of copyrighted material in the areas of audiovisual works, computer software, databases and CD-ROMs, distance learning transmissions, document reproduction, instructional computer presentations, and/or music and performances.

If you are unsure if something needs to be cleared by the Dean of Libraries and Knowledge Management, Paula Settoon, you can contact the Access Services Librarian, Amanda Ross, who is the Copyright Education area liaison who handles Copyright Clearance Center pay-per-uses and filters requests and questions related to copyright. She provides education and individual consultations, preferably via email. She is not a lawyer and does not provide legal advice or representation. She can be contacted at or 918-595-7568.


The copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

See these links for more information:

§201.14 Warnings of copyright for use by certain libraries and archives

17 U.S. Code § 108 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Reproduction by libraries and archives

Library Photocopying

Reserves & E-Reserves

Faculty or departments may place reserve textbooks or other materials in the library for student use. Please contact the campus location where you would like the physical reserves to be housed. More information about the reserves process can also be found on our Library Information for Faculty research guide, under the Services tab

E-reserves, or electronic reserves, is content that comes from copyrighted material usually, and is meant to be other required or supplemental reading beyond a textbook. It is typically a copy from a portion of a work or a copy of the entire work (if fair use, permission, or licensing applies) that is uploaded to an online course or through an online system where only specific enrolled students have access to that material. It does not necessarily include linking to content found freely accessible online, such as news articles, though many still call that content "e-reserves" for continuity for students. If you need help navigating whether or not you need a license or permission for scanned material (ie "copies") to be posted, please contact the Access Services Office.

The following are a few guidelines for the library's involvement with electronic course reserves

  • We can help faculty find and evaluate electronic resources, such Open Educational Resources and articles from our databases. While we welcome resource suggestions, we cannot commit to purchasing textbooks or other required reading due to budgetary restrictions. 
  • We offer copyright guidance and education to help faculty make a fair use assessment. The Access Services Office can also help in obtaining copyright clearance if necessary for reserves material. We are happy to assist with the process, however any ultimate fair use assessment and use decision will remain with the faculty/poster. Library employees cannot commit to creating scans for faculty. 
  • While we do help students find resources, we will refer all student issues about course reserves, textbooks, and other course materials to faculty.

Any questions or concerns about electronic reserves, Open Educational Resources, copyright, or alternative resources can be referred to your Subject Liaison Librarian, or one of your campus librarians.

  Metro Campus Library: 918.595.7172 | Northeast Campus Library: 918.595.7501 | Southeast Campus Library: 918.595.7701 | West Campus Library: 918.595.8010

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